
Mahakavi Subramania bharati

Subramania Bharathiyar  (11 December 1882 – 11 September 1921), was a  Tamil  writer, poet, journalist,  Indian independence activist , social reformer and  polyglot . Popularly known as "Mahakavi Bharathi" ("Great Poet Bharathi"), he was a pioneer of modern Tamil poetry and is considered one of the greatest Tamil literary figures of all time. His numerous works included fiery songs kindling patriotism during the  Indian Independence movement . [1] [2]  He fought for the  emancipation of women , against  child marriage , stood for reforming  Brahminism  and religion. He was also in solidarity with  Dalits  and  Muslims . [3] [4] Subramania Bharathiyar Subramania Bharathiyar Commemorative Stamp Born 11 December 1882 Ettayapuram ,  Ettaiyapuram estate ,  British India Died 11 September 1921 (aged 38) Madras ,  Madras Presidency ,  British India (present-day  Tamil Nadu, India ) Other...

Parts of the body


Definition of atropine

  ATROPINE: Anticholinergic:  Opposing the actions of the  neurotransmitter   acetylcholine .  Anticholinergic  drugs inhibit the transmission of parasympathetic  nerve  impulses, thereby reducing spasms of smooth muscles (for example, muscles  in  the  bladder ).  Side effects  of anticholinergic medications include  dry mouth  and related dental problems,  blurred vision , tendency toward  overheating  (hyperpyrexia), and in some cases,  dementia -like symptoms

How to treat chemotherapy



  Dialysis The decision to equip immunocompromised people with a third (booster) shot of an mRNA vaccine was taken by health authorities in mid-August 2021. However, it did not definitively include patients undergoing dialysis, with an increased risk for poor outcomes from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Study:  Seroresponse to third doses of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine among patients receiving maintenance dialysis . Image Credit: korokoso/Shutterstock There has been increased morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 reported among patients undergoing maintenance dialysis, which is why there is a need to assess the impact of booster doses in this patient population. Researchers thus recently published a report in the preprint server  medRxiv *  wherein they examined the seroresponse to an additional dose of vaccine in patients on maintenance dialysis. Study details Researchers examined the seroresponse to an additional dose of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2...


DEFINITION OF ANGIOPLASTY: the term angioplasty means using a ballon to stretch open a narrowed or blocked artery however, most modern angioplasty procedure also involve in setting a short wire mesh tube ,called a stent, into the artery during the procedure. The stent is left in place permanently to allow blood flow more freely AFTER CARE: you generally should be able to return to work or your normal. Routine the week after angioplasty. When you return home, drink plenty of fluids to help flush your body of the contrast dye.avoid strenuous exercise and lifting heavy objects for least a day afterward.

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